Wir erfahren es in der Praxis immer wieder neu: Aus Licht und Schatten ergibt sich eine unendliche Vielvalt: natürlich/künstlich, hell/dunkel, leuchtend/reflektierend, farbig/kontrastierend, uni/bunt, direkt/indirekt, gezielt/gestreut, kalt/warm, nostalgisch/modern, grell/gedimmt, kontinuierlich/wechselhaft etc. Jedes Objekt verhält sich anders, jede Oberfläche, jeder Raum reagiert spezifisch. Das macht dieses Thema zu einem der wichtigsten Gestaltungselemente in unserem Metier.
Phönix, 2017
An den Schnittstellen modernster Informationstechnologie sind alle interaktiven Bildschirme Vorboten einer neuen Zeit. Die virtuelle Realität gewährt uns Zutritt in künstlich erschaffene Räume. Die erweiterte Realität plaziert digitale Objekte in unserer gewohnten Umgebung. Jedes elektronische Paneel kann zukünftig Online und in Echtzeit ein neues Bett nebst kompletter Ausstattung und Farbpräferenz in den eigenen vier Wänden darstellen.
Exhibition, Hannover, 2012
Licht kann in seiner mystischen Unerklärlichkeit geeignet sein, ein ganz abstraktes Thema zu veranschaulichen. So geschehen auf einer der bedeutendsten Messen der Welt, wo für den IBM-Konzern verschlüsselte Datentransfers und externe Speicherkapazitäten in einer futuristisch anmutenden Idee veranschaulicht werden sollten. Mit kinetisch programmierten und quasi unsichtbar schwebenden Leuchtobjekten konnte die sogenannte ´CLOUD´ in ihrer autonom agierenden Form ästhetisch visualisiert werden.
Marlboro & Parliament
Philip Morris, Weltweit, 2012
OBJEKTDESIGN. DPD-Zentrale, Flughafen Frankfurt, 2015
Den zur Verfügung stehenden Raum für einen proportional angemessenen Blickfang zu nutzen, darin besteht oftmals eine Herausforderung der besonderen Art. Ohne ausreichende Erfahrung gehen solche Experimente nur zu gerne schief. Eine Grundidee zu entwickeln, die dem Anspruch des Unternehmens gerecht wird und trotz gewollter Eigenständigkeit weder schwächelt noch zu dominant wirkt: Diese Balance zu finden, das ist unser Job.
Light always works in retail - at least if you do it right. It's also a lot of fun to work with light, because it's full of possibilities.
From experience, we can say that light and shadow create an infinite variety of opposites: "natural vs. artificial", "light vs. dark", "direct vs. indirect" or "garish vs. dark": are just a few of them.
Light is unpredictable, because every object, every surface, every space can be transformed. It is possible to play with shapes and movements because of various light solutions.
That all makes light one of the most interesting and important design elements of our daily work. In the following exmples of our work, let yourself be inspired by what effects you can do with light.
Light Concept, USA-wide
In addition to the shopfitting concept and the complete production, we designed canape- lamps and the light sculptures for famous matrasses brand Amerisleep from the USA on the basis of a lighting concept and produced them here in Germany.
One of the light sculptures reminds the internal foam texture of famous Amesileep matrass that creates a direct connection with the brand image for customers.
How the lights came to the US? With the help of our logistics team: We know our way around import and transport regulations and have contacts with airlines, which has made it possible for us to bring the entire production from one location to another. We can be proud of it!
Exhibition Stand, Hannover
During 12 weeks of the project period from the start of the project until the opening of the CEBIT Hannover, about 100 people worked on the implementation of this idea.
With kinetically programmed and virtually invisible floating luminous objects, the so-called "CLOUD" in its autonomously acting form could be aesthetically visualized.
The result is impressive: 500 spheres including 500 RGB luminaires networked with 500 mini CPUs have made IBM an interactive attraction for visitors.
Installation & Light Concept, Worldwide
No wonder that this Installation was a true sales multiplier. Sales have increased in four times since we presented the products of Parliament brand surrounded by these spectacular showcases.
This is due to a material mix in combination with technical and electronic features. The glasses follow fire protection guidelines and are, therefore, of the highest quality.
They are laser-etched with the texture of the packaging of Marlboro and Parliament. Morphing is used to track the visitor through the shadows of green and blue lights.
A good example of how you can successfully support image building and visually convey a brand feeling with the help of art of light.
Frankfurt am Main
In this project we were allowed to enjoy a lot of creative freedom.
Of course that always gives a great pleasure!
We have equipped the congress hall, the entrance hall, various lounge areas and the store with lighting concepts that support the timeless elegance of the congress center and yet look modern.
It was not so easy to combine two such opposite fetures in one.
Nevertheless, we have done it and are proud of the result.
Light Installation, Moscow
In this project, we wanted to combine the premium aesthetics of the Johnny Walker brand and innovative technologies.
The brand was changing its concept and wanted to attract a more progressive younger target audience. We were entrusted with the development of a complex of innovative POS for the best restaurants in Moscow and other big cities of Russia.
This lamp is one example. We used a technology developed at the University of Darmstadt in Germany. The upper part of the lamp was maneuvering in the air, it could be touched and played by guests, but it returned to its place always. The lamp is made in the style of the brand and matches the interior of the restaurants where it was placed.
Light Installation,
Frankfurt am Main
We have created a light design for Samsung, attracting the attention of consumers at a glance.
This unique lamp, consisting of a large number of dynamic elements, was placed in the main Multi Media Center in Frankfurt am Main in the Samsung product area.
The light design created a special atmosphere in the area of the stands with Samsung electronics.
So we came to contact with the consumer through the game with the light!